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Download, Customize & Use My "Coaching Client Forms" In Your Coaching Business

Every coach (i.e., life, personal and/or business coach) needs their own set of customized coaching/client agreement forms, assessment forms, intake forms, feedback forms, call record forms/logs, and many others to help run a PROFESSIONAL and successful coaching business.

I've done all the work for you, saving you time and money paying a legal mind to draft all the pertinent coaching forms and agreements you need to run your a successful coaching business with confidence and organize precision. Check this out ...




Course Description

Every coach (i.e., life, personal and/or business coach) needs their own set of customized coaching/client agreement forms, assessment forms, intake forms, feedback forms, call record forms/logs, and many others to help run a PROFESSIONAL and successful coaching business.

Without the use of these forms, your coaching business is like a kite in the wind with clients and information and progress blowing all around and without any structure, organization or efficiency in client format.

These forms come straight out of my book, Rich Coach Broke Coach, ready for you to customize with your company name, contact information, etc. Just purchase, download, and customize.

1. Welcome Letter

2. Coaching Client Agreement

3. Client Intake Form

4. Client Self-Assessment Form

5. Free Coaching Gift Certificates

6. Free Coaching Session Agreement

7. Coaching Session Preparation Form

8. Coaching Session Summary Forms

9. Client Call Record (For The Coach)

10. The Wheel Of Life Form

11. Goals & Action Questions

12. Coaching Period Summary Forms

13. Client Feedback/Testimonial Form

14. Coaching / Speaking Hour Log (Excel)

“I really want to thank Bart for creating these forms. They gave me so many ideas on how to better structure and organize my coaching and consulting business when it comes to how I work with my clients. Customizing them was easy since they’re in Microsoft Word. Just download the forms, choose which one you want to customize first and print. Easy. I love handing them out to my clients. Makes me feel good and the client sees how organize I am.”

Alicia C., Real Estate Trainer & Investor, Dallas, TX

Alicia Cox
Real Estate Trainer & Investor
Dallas, TX

As you can see, the list of coaching forms above is a very complete set of forms to launch any coaching business successfully. While each form is sold separately, you can download every form in a single bundled product after your purchase.

What you will learn ...

Sample lessons

If you like what you see in these sample video lessons, then you'll love this course and getting your hands on my coaching client forms for use with your own clients.


All of the following coaching client forms, worksheets and agreements are contained within this COMPLETE COACHING & AGREEMENT FORMS BUNDLE. Each form is in its own Microsoft Word document, along with one Excel spreadsheet file. All our downloadable after purchase. Peruse the following list of coaching forms. It’s very complete and the perfect set of forms to launch any coaching business successfully.

  Welcome To This Course
  • Video message from the instructor ... [1min] 

  • How to use this course ... [1min] 

  •   FORM #1: “Welcome To Coaching With Me!” (Letter) (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • Here’s your way of saying “welcome to coaching with me”, and how you look forward to working with them to achieve their goals.

    This letter also states what’s inside their welcome packet, which you might customize for your own clients, along with instructions on how to prepare new clients for your first session together.

    Just imagine what your client will think (about you and working with you) when they get a professional letter like this. You can either mail it or send it as an attachment (in PDF) or both (eMail + mail).

      FORM #2: Coaching Terms & Agreement (2 PAGES)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • The COACHING TERMS OF AGREEMENT is one of the most important forms you could ever use with a coaching client. This form outlines your role and responsibility as their coach, as well as the obligation your client has to you.

    This is the perfect form for you to gather all your clients information, payment terms and information, outline terms of your coaching agreement, refund policies, call-in procedures, cancellation policy, termination policy, confidentiality clause, client responsibility, and a limited liability statement on your behalf.

    All that in this powerful, well-written coaching agreement form. Your client simply fills it in, signs it and sends it to your prior to coaching with you. Simple. Done. Collect their payment and start coaching them.

      FORM #3: Client Personal "Intake Form" (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • This is the form you give your clients upon their first coaching session with you. They are to take a moment to fill in this form, which helps you better get to know them, where they’re at and some background information that might help with developing a quick foundation for going forward.

    When finished, the client can either fax, scan/email, mail or personally deliver this completed form to you. Once you receive and review it, you can commence with coaching them.

      FORM #4: Client "Self-Assessment" Form (6 PAGES)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • The CLIENT SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM is a rich 49-QUESTION, 5-PAGE form document that goes deep into helping you learn more about your client before you ever start your first session. This form alone is the key to unlocking what’s going on inside your client so you can kick-off your first coaching session with a bang!

    In so many ways, using a form like this is so much more effective when it comes to asking certain kinds of questions. For example, when you ask certain questions on paper, rather than verbally, the client has more time to think about their answer. Hence, the information you get in return is much more thought out, personal and detailed.

    This form also draws the client closer into a coaching relationship with you. “Wow, I’m really telling my coach a lot about me. I look forward to working with them after I spill my mind, heart and soul out to him/her.”

    Once you receive this form, take a few days to study it. Formulate your own questions to ask. Such as, “You said xyz to question #14, can you tell me more about that?” INSTANT DIALOGUE is what you’ll have when you get this form back. Get this form. Your client and coaching business will thank you for it.

      FORM #5: Client Coaching "Gift Certificates" (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • These certificates entitle a friend, family member or associate to one FREE (ENTER NICHE) 45-MINUTE coaching session with YOUR COMPANY NAME! Just open this document up in word, customize it with your company name, phone number, website, etc.

    Then, have them printed on elegant looking stationery and hand them out at your next networking or other event. When you do, watch your phone start ringing! “I got one of your free certificates for a coaching session. I’m excited to see how you can help me!”

      FORM #6: Free Coaching Session Agreement (2 PAGES)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • The COACHING TERMS OF AGREEMENT is one of the most important forms you could ever use with a coaching client. This form outlines your role and responsibility as their coach, as well as the obligation your client has to you.

    This is the perfect form for you to gather all your clients information, payment terms and information, outline terms of your coaching agreement, refund policies, call-in procedures, cancellation policy, termination policy, confidentiality clause, client responsibility, and a limited liability statement on your behalf.

    All that in this powerful, well-written coaching agreement form. Your client simply fills it in, signs it and sends it to your prior to coaching with you. Simple. Done. Collect their payment and start coaching them.

      FORM #7: Client Session Prep Form (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • This 9-question coaching session preparation form is designed for the client to help prepare themselves for your (next) coaching session and to get the most out of your time coaching with them. This form asks clients to set aside time a few days before their next session to complete this form.

    What would they like to focus on? What have they done/accomplished since your last session with them? What would they like to talk you (the coach) during your next coaching session. These are to be used before each coaching session.

      FORM #8: Coaching Session Summary Forms (Coach & Client) (4 PAGES)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • This is a 2-form bundle, one for the coach and one for the client. These forms are used to help both of you summarize what you gained from each call.

    CLIENTS can use this form to make notes of what they got out of a specific coaching session. They can print new blank forms for each coaching session, and keep them in a folder after they fill them out. Even though clients might type out (more in depth) notes into their computer, it’s a good idea (during the coaching session) to jot down talking points, ideas, tidbits or memory joggers on paper IN THE MOMENT when they come to you. THEN, transfer them to the computer afterwards. The client can also send you their filled in form after each session if you request it.

    COACHES can use this form to make notes of what you took away from a specific coaching session with a client, as the coach. Print a new blank form for each coaching session, and keep them in the client’s folder. Even though you might transfer (more in depth) notes to a computer, it’s a good idea to jot down talking points, ideas, tidbits or memory joggers on paper IN THE MOMENT when they come to you. THEN, transfer them to the computer.

      FORM #9: Client Call Record (For The Coach) (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • The Client Call Record form is a 6-part/question form for a coach to make notes about what your coaching calls were like per client. It asks about follow-up topics from previous coaching calls, client’s desired outcomes, session notes, and more.

    Print a new form per client coaching session, and fill it in. Of course you can transfer these same notes to the computer too. When done, file this form inside the client’s personal folder, which you should be keeping for each client you work with.

      FORM #10: The "Wheel Of Life" Form (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • This is a TEN SECTION WHEEL OF LIFE that represents balance and harmony in all areas of one’s life, which you would send this to a client. The CENTER of the wheel is assigned 0 points, with the outer far edge 10 points. Rank your level of satisfaction, happiness and/or fulfillment in each area by drawing a straight or curved line to create a new outer edge.

    The new perimeter of the circle will give you a visual idea of what areas you might want to focus on with your coach. Narrow down 1-3 areas you can work on to achieve greater satisfaction, happiness and/or fulfillment in your life in those areas. Print one for each new client who coaches with you. Print new ones for them to fill in during different stages of coaching with you so you (and they) can gauge how their life is improving as they coach with you.

      FORM #11: Goals & Actions Questions (2 PAGES)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • WHAT ARE your clients goals? Sure, you could ask them, and they might tell you. It’s better if you have a form that forces them to write them down.

    This form is designed to move your clients from dreaming about their goals, to writing them down, and then equipping them with the ways and means to achieve them. Period!

    The GOALS & ACTION “TO-DO” LIST is a 2-page, 7-question form designed to help your clients reach their goals.

      FORM #12: Coaching Period Summary Form (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • The Coaching Period Summary Forms bundle includes a 2-page form for the client and one for the coach. Each form set asks 17 questions, which the coach and client must answer on their own session summary form respectively.

    What did the client gain from coaching with you all this time? Have them write it all down on this form and send it to you so you can learn how you did. This also reinforces the value the client got coaching with you.

    If they weren’t asked to write it out, their experience (and lessons learned) might be forgotten. Because you ask them to write it all down, they can say, “Wow, I did get a lot out of coaching with (YOU).”

    You too, as a coach, should fill in your own coaching form to gain insight as to how you did with each client. Both sets of forms, once filled in and in your possession will be helpful to you in learning from your mistakes and your successes for future client sessions and grow as a coach.

      FORM #13: Client Feedback/Testimonial Form (1 PAGE)
  • Download this form in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.

  • How did you do, as a coach, with your client(s)? Any successes? Let’s get those testimonials and feedback from your clients for your use, either internally or publicly on your website.

    A form like this is a great legal step in asking your clients to say a few wonderful things about you for others to see (in the form of a testimonial), but also gives you feedback (for internal reflection) as to how you did (or didn’t do) as their coach. All of which, can be very helpful to you growing as a coach, yourself.

      FORM #14: Coaching / Speaking Hour Log (1 EXCEL FILE)
  • Download this spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format.

  • This Excel spreadsheet contains 3 very informative worksheets that can be used to track your hours coaching (both free and paid), hours training and hours learning. If you ever want to get certified by a particular organization that certifies coaches, they will ask you how many hours you have coached others. Well, don’t guess, be precise.

    As you coach others, document that time in this Excel spreadsheet which can calculate the number of hours (coaches free and paid sessions) to the decimal. Over the years, you can literally see exactly how many hours you have coached. You’ll be amazed at how the number can grow!

    If you don’t track your hours, years later, what number will you guess that you’ve coached? Don’t guess, know exactly. Get this Excel spreadsheet I created for you.

      Next Steps, Resources & Exit Survey
  • Congrats! Here's what's next ... [1min] 

  • Recommended resource links and other helpful suggestions and materials ... [1min] 

  • Exit survey and an opportunity to rate this course ... [1min] 

  • • Video message from the instructor ... 

    • How to use this course ...

    Meet Your Instructor

    Bart Smith


    Simply ask yourself, "what coach / coaching business would be complete, formal and work most efficient with the use of these coaching client forms and agreements?" Ever walk into a doctor’s office and they didn't stick a clipboard in your hand with a form to fill out? Exactly!

    As a coach, you should have that same mentality. Instead of saying, “Let’s have a phone call to get started and see how we work together…,” stick a self-assessment or new client form in their hand. Get them to fill in any one of the new client related forms so they start acting (and feeling ) like a paid client.

    For example, after the client completes their self-assessment form, they actually could be selling themselves on your coaching services by way of learning more about ways they need your help. “Wow, I didn’t know this about myself and how much I needed to work on. I bet hiring you as my coach could really could help me go from point A to point B. I can’t wait to get started.”

    What’s nice is you can place these forms up on your website in a variety of different ways or have them readily available on your computer to eMail any prospective client to get them started right away.

    Again, these forms are customizable to your liking after purchase.

    Bart Smith


    $27 Sale Price


    SAVE $20 TODAY!


    “I knew I needed coaching forms and agreements when I started my coaching business. The problem was, WHO was going to write them, would I cover everything, and did I even want to spend the time doing it? Drafting contracts and agreements can be a very daunting task for anyone who isn’t familiar with drafting contracts, logs and agreements. Even when you get certified as a coach, typically, they NEVER hand you the forms you need to run your business when you receive your certificate. So, I went looking online and that’s when I found Bart’s coaching client forms. What a blessing. I couldn’t find anyone who had as many contracts/forms for sale, in a single bundle and with so much detail as Bart did with his coaching client forms. I’m so glad I bought them. Customizing them was a cinch, and actually a lot of fun. Bart makes it so easy. Just download, open up the file(s) and start customizing them.”

    Ann Dillard, KIP Consulting Services, LLC, Decatur, GA

    Ann Dillard
    KIP Consulting Services, LLC

    Decatur, GA

    All coaches can relate when we reach that point in developing our coaching business that we need contracts, forms and agreements to work with our clients. Well, knowing how much work and expertise is involved creating contracts from scratch, I knew I’d be better off going online and finding a resource to save me that time/energy. Who popped up in my search results over and over? Bart Smith and his Coaching Client Forms bundle. I looked things over and for the price, wow, where's my credit card? I wouldn’t even know where to start. He’s taken all the guess work out of what forms to have, use and because he’s provided so much, you can easily scale back and use only the forms you need. In the time I ordered my forms, downloaded them and started to customize them, I was on my way to using them for my needs. Great work, Bart, and THANK YOU!”

    Angela Hook, ForeverEvolving.org, Lansing, MI

    Angela Hook


    Lansing, MI

    “I knew I needed coaching forms and agreements when I started my personal coaching business. The problem was, who was going to write them, would I cover everything, and did I even want to spend the time doing it? I bet you can relate, right? Well, drafting contracts and agreements can be a very daunting task for anyone who isn’t familiar with drafting contracts. So, I went looking online and that’s when I found Bart’s coaching client forms, logs and agreements. I couldn’t find anyone who had as many contracts for sale, and in a bundle and with such detail as Bart did. I’m so glad I bought them. They saved me so much time. Seriously. I highly encourage you to respect your time, and just get Bart's coaching client forms. Spend your time customizing them; not creating them.”

    Angela H., LeadershipElevateHer.com, Waxhaw, NC

    Angela Hosking

    Waxhaw, NC

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